Saturday, May 10, 2008

April showers bring May flowers

Here is one of the many May flowers that are blooming in our yard. I just love violets. We have a bunch in our lawn. Violets make a lawn so much more appealing! Of course, I don't know what happens if you walk on them or mow them, but they are there. All colors too. I just had to post this one--look at those violet veins.

These are wild violets, so of course I think they are the greatest things ever. Any nice looking flower I didn't plant is a winner in my book. Our yard is a great mix of wild flowers, things we've planted and weeds. Since the word "weed" is subjective, I am guessing that many people would consider some of the stuff weeds when I think it is just cute. Like the violets. My co-worker Laura stopped over last night to pick up a few basil seedlings from our sunroom (I'll explain in another post, I promise) and gave us the best compliment ever. When I was showing her the blueberry bushes and fruit trees, I told her that our plan of putting in fruits and vegetables will probably mean we won't have much of a lawn. That is when she said I was just a typical DES (Department of Environmental Services) employee. YES! I belong! Violets--keep growing!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I think that's the same violet that used to grow in our lawn in Oak Brook. There was a patch of them that came back every year. I wouldn't worry about mowing them. They'll come back.
