Friday, May 16, 2008

Poor Rocky! He gets NO love!

Here is Rocky at his most pathetic. Since Rocky and Schmooshy fight like crazy if they are ever in the same room together, we have to separate them. For 12 hours a day, Rocky is put in the basement. Then we switch the cats and Schmooshy get the basement. When we come back to the house, often, Rocky will sit in the basement window and give his poor, pathetic "Please let me out" look.

If only these two cats wouldn't cause HUGE gashes in each other's sides when they were together. We have had them both for over 8 years. They haven't settled down yet. I thought for sure that at age 9 1/2 and 8 1/2 they would finally get a clue and calm down. NOPE! Not these two nut jobs! Rocky, the most whiny & pathetic kitty ever and Schmooshy, the most psychopathic cat ever, are what we have instead.


  1. I still maintain that brady ruined your cats. HI BRADY!#%!

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    There wasn't anything left to ruin by the time I got to them.
