I have to say that after 3 years without TV, I am not excited to have it back. Logically, it made financial sense to get it. For whatever reason, Comcast charges more for cable internet access alone than for cable TV and internet combined. So, we got the cable. We CAN'T live without the internets so we had no choice.
Today I attempted to watch television. ARG! What a mistake! Other than a baseball game between 2 teams I don't care about, the only choice was Hugh Grant & Julia Roberts in "Notting Hill" Brady's name for it makes more sense: "Nodding off". Whew, what a bad movie.
Thanks to the Cable Gods for making such poor choices available on T.V. However this complaint won't go on much longer, I am off to check out the cable listings!
I should give Bryan Odom the credit for the name "Nodding off," which he came up with during the theater trailer for that movie.