Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Time to Smell the Roses (or Irises)

Today was a beautiful first day of Summer here in New Hampshire. It wasn't too hot, not too cold, and SUNNY! The spring was nothing to crow about, so we had to make it up some how. It was sunny, low 80's and really nice out. Not that I got a lot of time out there. I am still plugging away with the experiments.

Not that I did much work on it today. Instead I took a nap after going to the airport to pick up a friend, feed another friend's fish, and then go to the Coastal Marine Lab to clean up stuff for a friend. I am way too nice! Do I have any friends volunteering to come help me? I gotta take care of the Daphnia and then subject them to day and night so I can see how they react. Doesn't that sound like a blast? No, huh?

Well, I figured I can talk about the outside even if I didn't get to do much in it today. Wait! Hold on, I was outside. In addition to playing second base for the softball team, I stopped by Emery Farm in Durham. Of course, I didn't have my camera with me, but I am going back tomorrow morning for strawberry picking with Brady. I will post pictures tomorrow (if my camera cooperates!). This afternoon at the farm, I saw donkeys, a calf, and a bunch of goats. Gotta love the goats! Next week we are planning a visit to Demeritt Hill Farm to check out their animals too. Yesterday I stopped by the Durham Farmers Market. I wish I had a farm. What can I say other than I have had enough of the big city for a while?

Other than farm dreaming, I did play in the softball game. Our 1-game winning streak has ended, but at least we played well. Okay, so maybe you might think that 7-1 is not playing so well, but we only gave up runs in half of the 6 innings where we were in the field. And I helped out with a double play and at least 3 other put outs at second base. If there were professional women's softball for over 30 women who have never played much before three years ago, I would be right there! Today I didn't do much in the offense department, but even Derek Lee has his off days. (Hey, you can still vote for him for the All-Star game if you haven't given your 25 votes yet! I had to get it in here somehow.)

So make some comments, drop me an email, or just relax and enjoy the beauty that is New Hampshire! Take care, and talk to you tomorrow!

The Irises are up! Posted by Hello

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