Thursday, June 30, 2005

I was published & I didn't even know it!

Well, at least the NH capitol isn't wasting money on air conditioning! Posted by Picasa

Isn't New Hampshire great? I sent the following letter to the editor back in February and I didn't know it had been published until today when I google'd myself. What a world! Since I did write that editorial, here is the text in its entirety:

Bush didn’t say how to pay for his plan

Feb. 17 - To the Editor:

I went to Pease yesterday to hear what our president had to say on Social Security. What I heard was half a plan that, in my estimation, makes the Social Security problem even worse. I don’t know of anyone who thinks Social Security is perfect.

The president did have very clear graphs on the wall illustrating the problem: In the near future, more money will be taken out of the Social Security fund rather than put into it. In his speech, Mr. Bush made that message very clear. What wasn’t clear was how individual savings plans that put money in a place other than current seniors’ pockets is going to solve this problem.

Saving plans make a lot of sense for someone like me: a 30-something working in today’s economy. Saving plans aren’t a complete solution, however. I understand that the president isn’t the only person in Washington working on this problem, but I was just hoping that he would have a more thorough plan to discuss.

He told us that no seniors would lose their benefits. He told us that there wouldn’t be an increase in the money taken out of our paychecks now. What he didn’t tell us was how the heck we would pay for these benefits. I would think that he would have had something more earth-shattering to tell us since he had to fly up to New Hampshire on Air Force One. It isn’t very thrifty to spend money on a trip that doesn’t provide any substance.

Sonya Carlson


How awesome! They printed it in full! So, take care, write to the editor and drop me a line!

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