Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I want one!

We were down in Waltham, MA, on Sunday, so we stopped by the Lyman Estate Greenhouse. Can I just say, "I want one of everything please!". There were great flowers, warm temperatures, green, flower fragrances, fish in a pool, and GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sun is coming back, but not soon enough for me. I have decided I want a greenhouse, a fountain, more pitcher plants, more cacti, more green, and more WARMTH!
More pictures at my Flickr page. Spring can't come soon enough for me.

1 comment:

  1. yeah! so glad you are back on the blog. you should have andy help you make a hoophouse, it was pretty easy. we should be putting the plastic on ours soon. the soil is nice and rich i can't wait to plant some seeds!

    p.s. we are thinking of you and sending good vibes your way!
