Sunday, July 01, 2007

Here is the backyard!
The garden & the chicken coop

We finally bought new batteries for the camera so there are pictures to post of the HOUSE! I went to get the camera today thinking I would just have to recharge the four batteries, but low and behold, all of the batteries were GONE! Since we have moved there are some things we just can't find. The battery recharger was one of them. Staples is doing well now that we are in town and need of stuff we can't find.

Most of the boxes are unpacked. We have one room upstairs that is the repository of untouched boxes, but who doesn't have a room like that? We have lots of space, now we just have to get a sense of style to fill it properly. So far our sense of style has been inspired by Goodwill. It is a very economical style!

The yard is where we are putting our energy. We can't mess that up too badly. We have realized we are not as handy as we thought we were. The plaster walls have won! Most of our pictures are on the walls, but shelving units are RIGHT OUT! One picture did take itself off the wall and we haven't tried to put it back up.

So, we are loving the new house. COME VISIT!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    We just have a little cleaning to do inside and then we can start posting indoor photos.
