A little bit of water on a sidewalk in Durham, NH
I am not sure how we got to be so lucky, but we have missed out on the devastation that has hit the rest of southern New Hampshire. Our old street in Newmarket is under a mandatory evacuation ban and so much water that people have to swim to their apartments. We had a puddle of water in our parking lot for a bit on Sunday, but it has receded completely. Rocky and Schmooshy think they want to go out in the rain, but I have convinced them that staying inside on the dry bed is a better choice.
Even my commute to work is fine on both routes I could take. For those in Newmarket, they are not so lucky. Check out the pictures on NHPR and Foster's Daily Democrat--that is some scary stuff! If I had a boat or money I'd give them to people in Newmarket, instead they get my thoughts and best wishes. I did see that the NH National Guard is there helping out. That is good!
Stay dry!
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