Not much exciting happened today, so I thought I would let you know of some top notch ways to waste time on the internet. Well, we did lose our softball game and it was not 100 degrees today. BUT, other than that, not much happened today. So, here are my favorite time wasters in no particular order. ENJOY!
The best website, one with no advertising, is Homestar Runner Dot Com. There are crazy little cartoons about teen girls and emails from the self-important, pudgy Strong Bad. Click the "First time here?" button on the right side for an introduction to the whole thing. And, if you go there NOW, you can probably catch "Biz Cas Fri" No link--just get there from the front page.
The next one that comes to mind is the great game webpage of Pop Cap. I say you gotta check out Insaniquarium. That is the cutest game ever. Feed fish, catch gold, and avoid evil aliens. It is hard to stop the insanity!
If you like getting free gift certificates and don't mind clicking on buttons in your email, check out MyPoints. Let me know if you want to join, though, so I can refer you to get some free points out of the deal. So far I have gotten a whole heck of gift certificates--mostly $25 ones for for Barnes & Noble, Bath & Bodyworks or K-Mart. Not a bad gig, really.
Another website for free stuff is Freaky Freddies. It does have wierd stuff every so often, but, heck, who wouldn't want a free Luna bar or religous mouse pad? It's great to mine if you want bumper stickers or a way to send free garbage to someone you don't like! It is not completely consistent, but, hey, it's free, right?
Then there are the Cubs. That is always a good way to spend on-line time. If there is a game going on, I say watch the box scores change on yahoo. Or, as always, vote until July 30 for Derek Lee to be on the MLB All-Star team. It is possible with your vote.
A great way to spend time on the internet (or "internets" if you prefer) would be to check out my webpage that has a TON of pictures and keep updating it. Well, I will until I run out of the 50 MB of space the university gives me.
One more way to spend productive time online is to check out the odd news. It is usually good for a laugh. Heck, who wouldn't laugh at goats as firefighters and toast that looks like the runaway bride selling on ebay?
I hope this little guided tour of the internet has given you a chuckle, even if you never check these alligations are true. Write to me and tell me what you think. Of course, if you hate the website, there isn't much I can do about that! Have a great summber! Maybe there will be more news tomorrow. Or, maybe not!
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